
Thursday, June 23, 2011

300 Views... It's Getting Fun Doing This

Wow!  I'm up to 300 page visits, so I'm asking my wonderful friends and family to spread the word (I'm being greedy I know but hey a man's gotta find a niche).  If I can so ask more of you, will you let me know what topics you would like me to write about (music and music related stuff only please)!

I really love new music, so if you know of a band and you can get me a link to them or even a sample of their music, I'll be glad to take a listen and write about it!  What I'm trying to do is add to the "Friends of the Program" part of the blog and if the band or any one related to the music realm (talent, promoter, programmer, guy doing the website, PR, any of 'em for that matter), I would love to add them and hopefully they'll get a little exposure (fully clothed of course) as my way of thanking them for the opportunity for everyone to get to know them!

Okay now here's the fishing part of the program...  If you know someone in music (or the music industry), no matter how small or how big and you can get them to let me do an interview with them, that would be absolutely, unequivocally, beyond the shadow of a doubt COOL.

If you are mildly amused or completely aggravated by me, please "Follow" me, I love debates and I love opinions even if they aren't mine (now that one is SHOCKING isn't it).

Enough begging and pleading, I need sleep.  Thanks everyone and please have a great night!

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