
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Steelheart - Rock 'N Skull October 16th, 2015

What if I told you there was a band from the late 80's - early '90's from the "era of hair" that was known for its ballads that is completely underrated for their "non-ballads?"  Much of that era was a giant misnomer to begin with because many of the bands were only known for "ballads" but they were so much more.  Can a band from that era, known for one heck of a "ballad" still be putting out music that will make grown men sing along hitting the highest freaking notes they can whilst harboring the incoming groin pull?  Can it?  Well...

Monday, October 26, 2015

Ace Frehley - Mississippi Moon Bar, September 11th, 2015

Where were you on Christmas 1977?  I was at home celebrating with my family and the one real thing I remember was that as a nine year old boy I got "KISS Alive II" as a Christmas gift.  That album started this thirty-eight year frenzy that has been my obsession with the band.  It was so much fun getting new KISS albums and listening to those old vinyl albums over and over again.  There are many confessions I can make about KISS and now is the time to start...