
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston

February 11th, 2012 was a simple day in the world I call my own, it was a lazy, very cold day and was really an inconsequential type of day. As I read a headline on Yahoo! the day interestingly enough became one of shock I suppose.  The headline announced the death of Whitney Houston and although I was never a fan of hers I realized that it was a substantial loss.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Cornfed Bruiser - Sneak Peek

The magic world in which we live has forever changed with Al Gore's "baby", the internet (that still makes me laugh).  Previously I had written about a band that I found in the world of Twitter, Cornfed Bruiser and with that connection I was blown away by the music that I was hearing.  With that connection I was given a great honor by the vocal machine of Cornfed Bruiser, Robert Powers as he gave me a sneak peek with a couple new songs.  Are these songs just as good as the stuff I reviewed before?  Well...

Thursday, February 2, 2012


While it is true that I think music today has been scarred by the likes of people with fashionable haircuts and those wearing meat products as clothing, there is something else in today's music that is redeemable.  The impact of the current "stars" of music pale in comparison to those undiscovered bands that are waiting in the wings to be discovered.  Every town, city or municipality has a band that one would swear should be just as popular as the current "stars" of the genre of pop music.  Given the fact that many rarely achieve such success, it shouldn't be surprising when a diamond is found in the gravel pounded down by the force of this industry.  Recently I found a band that is that diamond and SHOULD BE just as popular (if not more) as today's pop "stars".